ce approved castor bean oil mill machine in argentina

  • Who is QIE machinery?
  • You are in the right place. QIE Machinery is a famous seeds oil mill machine manufacturer in China, dedicated in cooking oil processing equipment including small oil presses, integrated oil press and filter machine, small scale oil manufacturing unit and industrial scale oil mill plant including complete castor oil manufacturing plant.
  • How to start castor oil business?
  • If you plan to start castor oil business for medicinal application, it is better to adopt cold pressing method. Cold pressed oil has low acid value (<1.5) and light color (Y10, R1). It can meet the international medical standard (PP grade).
  • What is the size of castor bean?
  • Castor Bean Size can be divided into three level: large grain (15-20mm), medium grain (9-14mm) and small grain (5-8mm). The bulk density of castor seeds is 500-560kg/m3. The shell proportion of castor bean is 20%-30%. The oil content of whole castor bean is to 45%-56%, while the oil content of kernel can be up to 65%-80%.
  • Which countries produce castor seeds?
  • The major producers of castor seeds are India, Brazil, China, Thailand, the Philippines, Pakistan and the former Soviet Union. The production of these countries account for more than 96.2% of total global production. Castor bean is high oil content oilseed. It has a worldwide demand that is rising 3%~5% per annum.
  • Is castor oil a renewable oil?
  • Castor oil has the reputation of "renewable oil". It contains 85%-90% ricinoleic acid, so that it has high application value in both industrial and medical field. This is one of our HOT Sale castor oil making machines - Small Vegetable Oil Manufacturing Plant. Some clients prefer to call it mini oil mill unit.
  • How is castor oil processed?
  • The processing of castor oil from castor oil plant seeds is done in a similar way to most of other oilseeds. The ripe castor seeds are allowed to dry before being split open to discharge the seeds. The seeds are cleaned, cooked and dried prior to extraction. Cooking is done to coagulate protein, and to press the oil efficiently.