tea seed oil refining project manufacturer in indonesia

  • Who is CDMI ¨C Indonesian oil palm & refinery Directory?
  • Viewing the dynamics of oil palm industry in the last several years, CDMI as a consultant company with expertise in data compilation is attracted to perform an investigation for six months towards oil palm companies in the country and finally succeeded in publishing a book with the title of Indonesian OIL PALM & REFINERY Directory, 2017.
  • Why did Indonesian oil palm companies sell their plantation areas?
  • However, based on the investigation output and data compilation of CDMI, it is also found facts that there are many Indonesian oil palm companies which are not able to maintain their business so they sold their plantation areas and oil palm plants with improper price.
  • What type of oil is used in Indonesian refineries?
  • The average of crude oil entering the Indonesian refineries from 2007 - 2018 was less than 1 million BPD. On primary fuel production, Ron-88 (subsidized fuel) still dominates refinery production in Indonesia. Low Sulphur Waxy Residue (LSWR) is a type of fuel widely produced on secondary fuel production.
  • Where is tea made in Indonesia?
  • Large estates produce mainly black tea, and small holders are more involved in pan-fried green tea with jasmine flavour which is popular in local market. The main production centers for tea in Indonesia for the last five years (2016-2020) have been in six provinces including West Java, Central Java, North Sumatra, West Sumatra, Jambi and East Java.
  • How do Indonesian oil palm companies carry out efficiency?
  • Many oil palm companies carry out efficiency by reducing production capacity and applying economization in various sectors. Lots of Indonesian oil palm companies which have successfully faced this heavy pressure, particularly large sized companies which have already controlled strongly local and international markets.
  • Who is the richest palm oil company in Indonesia?
  • The family ranks 2nd as the richest in Indonesia according to Forbes in 2021, with its wealth reaching US$ 9.7 billion or IDR 140 trillion. Musim Mas Group is the biggest integrated palm oil company in the world in over 13 countries. It was established in 1972. Its main operations are located in Indonesia, which includes refinery and manufacturing.