canola oil refinery mill machine in johannesburg

  • Where is canola grown in South Africa?
  • Southern Oil (Pty) Ltd procures all the locally grown canola seed produced in South Africa. Most of this is produced under dryland conditions in the Western Cape, but small volumes are also derived from the Eastern Cape.
  • Why is canola production significant?
  • Canola production is significant because it has significantly improved grain production sustainability, as well as rural development and job creation. Southern Oil (Pty) Ltd (SOILL) procures all the locally grown canola seed produced in South Africa.
  • How many farmers plant canola in South Africa now?
  • Production started with five farmers, over an area of 400 ha, with 400 to 420 farmers planting canola nowadays. Most of this is produced under dryland conditions in the Western Cape, but small volumes are also derived from the Eastern Cape.
  • How much canola did Sentraal Suid produce in 2019?
  • In 2019, the area under production amounted to 74 000 ha, yielding 95 000 tons of canola according to the Crop Estimates Committee. Sentraal Suid Cooperative Ltd (SSK), which was the main driver of this enterprise development initiative, is still the main shareholder in Southern Oil (Pty) Ltd.