flax seed oil refining processing machine in indonesia

  • Is flaxseed a linolenic acid?
  • Flaxseed ( Linum usitatissimum L.) is a commercial oilseed that produces triglyceride oil that is a rich source of linolenic acid. Many Linum species are related to flaxseed but only L. usitatissimum L. is grown for commercial production of oil.
  • What is the patent number for high lignan flaxseed?
  • High lignan flaxseed product and product by process. US Patent Number 7048960. Pizzey, G. R. (2009). Methods of increasing flaxseed hull recovery and resultant flax products. US Patent Number 7595078. F. Shahidi (Ed.), Bailey's industrial oil and fat products, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, Hoboken, NJ ( 2005), pp. 281 - 301
  • What is flaxseed oil?
  • Flaxseed oil arising from solin (trademarked by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation and the Agricore United program as Linola?) is an exception as this oil is relatively stable after bleaching ( Przybylski, 2005 ).
  • Does flaxseed oil need filtration?
  • Settling and filtration may be used for all flaxseed oil but industrial oil used for drying may be more fully refined with additional steps of alkali refining, bleaching, and deodorizing. Food and nutraceutical companies have developed a range of flaxseed food products to address market demand.
  • Is flaxseed oil a good source for CL recovery?
  • Flaxseed oil can be considered as an excellent commercial source for CL recovery as some of these peptides are hydrophobic and are mainly dissolved in oil after processing. However, few studies have presented the levels of orbitides in flaxseed material except that of Brühl, Matthäus, Scheipers, and Hofmann (2008).
  • Is flaxseed a good source of lignan and mucilage?
  • Flaxseed hull can be an excellent source of both lignan and mucilage. Lignan occurs as a component of a polymer that may be recovered from hulls by extraction with aqueous ethanol. The polymer is readily hydrolyzed by dilute alkali to release SDG and other components ( Muir & Westcott, 1998 ).