palm soybean sunflower rice brancottonseedscorn oil refinery machine in mozambique

  • What are the by-products of palm oil milling?
  • The by-products from the milling processes (e.g. empty fruit bunches from palm oil mills and oil meals) are utilised as fertilisers or feed and thereby substitute mineral fertiliser or feed energy (barley) and feed protein (soybean meal) on these respective markets ( Schmidt and Weidema, 2008 ).
  • What are the oil and meal extraction rates for sunflower & peanut oil mills?
  • The oil and meal extraction rates for sunflower and peanut oil mills are obtained using statistics on global oil seed crushing, and oil and meal production from the period 2010/11 to 2013/14 ( USDA, 2014 ). The hull/shell contents are approximately 25% for sunflower seeds ( Carre, 2009, p 17) and 15% for in-shell peanuts ( Myer et al., 2009 ).
  • What is the difference between palm oil mills and refineries?
  • Generally, the oil mills supply crude oil and oil meal (feed energy and feed protein) and the refineries supply refined oil and free fatty acids (feed energy). However, the palm oil system includes an additional step, since the kernels from the fresh fruit bunches are sent to another oil extraction step in the palm kernel oil mill.
  • Who are the marginal suppliers of barley and soybean meal?
  • Furthermore, Schmidt and Dalgaard (2012) identify the marginal suppliers of barley and soybean meal as Ukraine and Brazil. The method used for this identification is similar as the one used for the identification of marginal suppliers of oil palm fruit, soybean, rapeseed, sunflower and peanut described below.
  • How many palm oil mills in Malaysia and Indonesia have biogas capture?
  • Based on MPOB (2014) and IPOB (2010) the total number of oil mills Malaysia and Indonesia are estimated as 1042. From RSPO (2013), it is estimated that 53 oil mills in Malaysia and Indonesia had biogas capture. Hence, it is roughly estimated that 5% of the produced palm oil mill effluent (POME) was treated with biogas capture around 2012.
  • Which oil performs better ¨C soybean oil or sunflower oil?
  • Palm oil (and soybean oil) performed better than peanut oil in 97% of the runs. Sunflower oil performed better than palm oil and peanut oil in 88% and >99% of the runs respectively. 4. Discussion