small scale oil refinery plant in indonesia

  • What are the top refineries in Indonesia?
  • Here are the top five refineries in Indonesia: Besides these five refineries, Pertamina operates a small 10,000 BOPD Kasim refinery in Sorong, West Papua. With a total capacity to process 1,046,700 barrels of crude oil per day, all refineries in Indonesia are currently supplying about 50% of the domestic fuel needs.
  • How many oil refineries in Indonesia?
  • Indonesia currently has six oil refineries and they are all operated by Pertamina, the national oil company of Indonesia. Here are the top five refineries in Indonesia: Besides these five refineries, Pertamina operates a small 10,000 BOPD Kasim refinery in Sorong, West Papua.
  • What are Indonesian mini refineries?
  • Indonesian mini refineries are a key part of the country¡¯s strategy to double oil output by 2025. There is growing national demand and problems with aging local facilities that mean production levels are falling. Mini refineries offer a quick route to high-value products and can help meet the need for increase capacity quickly.
  • How much refining capacity does Indonesia have?
  • Indonesia¡¯s total refinery capacity was an estimated 1.1 million b/d in 2020 at six major refineries and a few smaller facilities (Table 1). The overall utilization rate of these refineries was approximately 73% in 2020.12 Pertamina owns and operates most of the refining capacity in Indonesia.
  • Can a new oil refinery expand the Indonesian economy?
  • In addition, the construction of a new oil refinery also has the potential to expand the Indonesian economy through the creation of added value in the downstream sector by integrating refineries with petrochemicals.
  • What is Balikpapan refinery?
  • The Balikpapan refinery is the second-largest refinery in Indonesia. At its current crude oil processing capacity of 260,000 barrels, it processes 25% of the total crude oil intake and supplies about 15% of the fuel needs in Indonesia. Under the RMDP refinery expansion plan, it is set to become even bigger.