vegetable seed oil mill plant in mozambique

  • Which seed companies are based in South Africa?
  • Capstone Seeds, based in South Africa, is the only company with a processing location. It also tests seed, and other than Klein Karoo Africa (also based in South Africa) it is the only company that engages smallholders in seed production.
  • Are there seed laws in Mozambique?
  • While no seed laws or seed policies are currently implemented in Mozambique, the 12/2013 Seed Regulation decree, which is harmonized with Southern Africa Development Community regulations, is the regulatory body governing seed activity registration and the release of new varieties.
  • How many index companies are in Mozambique?
  • There are 17 index companies in Mozambique, though none are headquartered in the country. Companies from neighboring countries carry out the most significant activities along the seed value chain. Seed Co, founded in Zimbabwe, has testing and production locations in Mozambique and is the only company with a breeding program, for field crops.
  • What is the law on plant variety protection in Mozambique?
  • Law on Plant Variety Protection Decree 12/2013 of Seed Regulations (2013); Decree 26/2014 Protection of New Varieties of Plants (2014) Agriculture employs 70% of Mozambique¡¯s population and makes up 24% of its GDP.