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  • What is algal biodiesel?
  • Algal biodiesel, the production of biodiesel through algal roots, is a new, suitable, and advanced method. During the production of biodiesel, alkyl group of oils is replaced by different alkyl groups to form mixture of esters whose properties (viz., octane and cetane number, kinematic viscosity, calorific value, etc.) are similar to petro-diesel.
  • Can algae biodiesel be commercialized?
  • However, developing and commercializing algae biodiesel presents both challenges and opportunities in its production and commercialization processes. High Production Costs: Algae biodiesel production currently has less economic viability due to its much higher production costs compared to traditional fossil fuels , , .
  • Can algae oil be used for biodiesel in developing countries?
  • However, there are certain challenges hampering the successful use of algae oil for the production of biodiesel in developing countries. Therefore, this study aimed at understanding the prospect and challenges faced in developing countries using algae oil for the production of biodiesel.
  • How much Algal biodiesel is produced in Europe?
  • The global annual amount of algal biodiesel produced is tiny. The development of these fuels has been slowed by the fall of oil prices in 2014. This condition continued with the global economic crisis. Research indicates that the current production of algae biomass in Europe is negligible (1.14% of world production).
  • What is the future of algal biodiesel production?
  • Opportunities for more economical production of algal biodiesel are seen in integration with other processes, such as wastewater treatment, but this does not ensure large-scale production. The impact of state policies and laws is significant in the future of algal biodiesel production.
  • How algal biomass is used to produce biodiesel?
  • Algal biomass has been utilized for production of biofuels and other valuable co-products. The algae biodiesel production involves two important steps. The first step is drying of algal biomass followed by extraction of lipid. Later, lipid is converted to biodiesel through transesterification.