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  • How to extract oil from corn germ?
  • The most common commercial process for obtaining oil from corn germ is extraction by n-hexane because of its high extraction efficiency and low process cost. Various organic solvents and water have been used for this purpose.
  • How is corn oil extracted?
  • In the process of corn oil extraction, the germ passes through conditioning operations (heating, humidification and extrusion), to then be submitted to oil extraction by expeller (pre-pressing) and solvent extraction, with hexane being the solvent chosen by processors ( Moreau, 2005 ).
  • What is corn germ oil processing by-products?
  • Corn (Zea mays L.) is one of the most relevant and cultivated cereals. During the processing of corn, especially in obtaining edible oil, large quantities of by-products are generated, called corn germ oil processing by-products. In this sense, this chapter provides...
  • What are the methods used for extraction of maize (Zea mays L) germ oil?
  • The composition of corn oil obtained by the alcohol extraction of ground corn is reviewed. Sequential extraction processing of flaked whole corn is an alternative corn fractional technology for ethanol production. Corn oil production process involves various methods, including alcohol extraction.
  • How is corn germ isolated from starch?
  • During the wet milling process, the germ is isolated from the starch using cyclone separators, washed, and dried. The dried germ contains about 50% oil, in which the oil constitutes about 85% of the total amount of oil present in the corn.
  • Which heating method is better for dry-milled corn germ?
  • Microwave heating is more suitable for dry-milled germ, providing an oil yield of 7% after 4.5 min. Conventional heating for 5 min provides the maximum oil recovery from wet-milled germ (about 22% oil).