used sunflower oil for biodiesel processing plant in egypt

  • Is sunflower oil a good raw material for biodiesel production?
  • From a chemical reaction perspective, sunflower oil from natural sources is the leading primary raw material beneficial to biodiesel production, as the pure triglycerides conversion to fatty acid methyl ester is not only high but also with relatively short reaction time advantage [ 5 ].
  • How to make biodiesel from sunflower seeds?
  • The oil extracted from seeds was applied for biodiesel production through transesterification using a 6:1 methanol to oil molar ratio with 0.7% catalyst at 50 °C for 65 min. The process resulted in a 96.2% biodiesel yield with a heating value of 41.6 MJ/kg, corresponding to 84 kg biodiesel per ton of sunflower crop and 108.8 L gasoline-equivalent.
  • Can a green catalyst be used in biodiesel production from sunflower oil?
  • The energy equivalent and efficiencies of CGL, KGL and NGL as a catalyst in biodiesel production from sunflower oil were investigated depend on average input-output data from the various research paper of natural sources to synthesis the green catalyst and its utilisation in biodiesel production.
  • Is sunflower oil better than palm oil for biodiesel?
  • Different oil sources such as corn, and grapeseed can be used in its production, however, sunflower oil has proved to have better fuel quality as compared to other oil sources [ 17, 18 ]. Furthermore, Simbi et al. [ 19 ], reported enhanced fuel quality of biodiesel produced from waste sunflower oil as compared to waste palm oil.
  • Can sunflower waste cooking oil be produced over enhanced bifunctional catalyst?
  • In this study, the production of FAME from sunflower waste cooking oil over the enhanced bifunctional catalyst was studied, to investigate the relationships between selected conditions of time, temperature and catalyst loading in obtaining a maximum yield, and optimum reaction conditions for the transesterification.
  • Can sunflower oil be used for biofuel production?
  • The residues of the sunflower crop are inexpensive and widely available substrates. These waste streams are typically burned or even left unused, creating serious environmental issues. In the present study, sunflower oil and its residues are used for biofuel production in the biorefinery framework.