gold automatic palm oil refinery process in johannesburg

  • How is palm oil refining improved?
  • In this context, refining technologies have been improved, with the dual temperature deodo-rizer, the double condensing unit and the ice condensing system. The DOBI is a good tool to assess quality of the crude palm oil and its ability to be properly refined.
  • How is palm oil refined?
  • Palm oil is generally refined by the physical process, which is preferred over the chemi-cal one, since high acidity can lead to excessive losses of neutral oil in the soaps-tock after alkali neutralization. However, chemical refining is still used at a limited capacity.
  • How to make golden palm oil?
  • A golden palm oil rich in tocopherols, tocotrie-nols and carotenoid components is obtainable by physical refining. Dual temperature and low pressure (using ice condensing system) can be used to produce a physically refined palm oil with improved quality properties.
  • What is crude palm oil?
  • Crude palm oil is produced from palm fruit by cooking, pressing and clarification. To become acceptable for human consum-ption, most crude oils must be purified. Mainly, a light color, a bland taste and a good oxidative stability are required.
  • Why is palm oil a valuable feedstock for enzymatic interesterification?
  • Palm oil and fractions are also valuable feedstock for enzymatic interesterification in which applications are for commodity oil (low-trans margarines and shortenings) and for special products (cocoa butter equivalents, infant formulation, ...). Crude palm oil is produced from palm fruit by cooking, pressing and clarification.
  • Is palm oil a good candidate for a multi-step dry fractionation process?
  • Palm oil is a good candidate for the multi-step dry fractionation process, aiming to the production of commodity oils and specialty fats (cocoa butter replacers). New technological developments allow quality and yield improvements.