refined soybean oil for biodiesel production in cape town

  • Which seeds are suitable for biodiesel production in South Africa?
  • Sunflower seeds show a decent oil yield per hectare and are currently the main oilseed produced in South Africa which makes it the primary candidate for commercial biodiesel production. Soybeans have a lower oil yield per hectare but are also produced on large enough scale to be considered for biodiesel production.
  • Is soybean a biodiesel?
  • Soybeans have a lower oil yield per hectare but are also produced on large enough scale to be considered for biodiesel production. Based on the facts above, the cost of biodiesel production is examined for the following oilseeds: Sunflower seeds, soybeans and canola.
  • Which vegetable oil is used for biodiesel production?
  • The main crude vegetable oils used for biodiesel production in the world at the moment are soybean oil (USA), rapeseed oil (Europe) and palm oil (Mittelbach and Remschmidt, 2005). As the properties of the different oils differ, so do the properties of their succeeding methyl esters.
  • How would biodiesel be produced in South Africa?
  • Also seen from the results is that biodiesel would mainly be produced from sunflower seeds and soybeans on a large scale. Canola and possibly even other oilseeds would only make up a small fraction of the total feedstock required for the biodiesel production in South Africa.
  • What are the different types of biodiesel plants in South Africa?
  • The previous section mentions two different types of biodiesel plants, SEBP and COBP, which can be used for biodiesel production in South Africa. The SEBP plant uses oilseeds while the COBP uses crude vegetable oil as feedstock.
  • Would commercial biodiesel production create a steady market for oilseeds in South Africa?
  • Commercial biodiesel production would create a steady market for oilseeds in South Africa. This steady market would lower the risk involved for the farmer signing future contracts on their oilseeds with biodiesel producers.