30 50tonday physical rice bran oil processing equipment in indonesia

  • How to extract rice bran oil in Indonesia?
  • This method uses supercritical CO liquid at temperatures between 25-60ºC and pressures from 150 to 250 bar. Based on extracting rice bran oil. Where at a pressure of 250 bar and a temperature of 40ºC produces the highest oil yield, which is close to 80%. commercialization of rice br an oil can be done as one of the edible oils in Indonesia.
  • Can rice bran oil be used to produce biodiesel in Indonesia?
  • With the embargo of Indonesia palm oil by European Union and more portion of palm oil is converted into biodiesel, rice bran oil would have opportunity to supply the country to meet the demand for edible oil. Rice bran oil offers a number of advantages compared to other edible oils in terms high antioxidant contents and high smoke point.
  • Can rice bran be treated with enzymes?
  • Treating rice bran with enzymes is a new oil processing technology. The cell tissue of rice bran is hydrolyzed with protease and then oil is released to achieve the purpose of oil extraction (Hanmoungjai et al. 2001).
  • What are the technologies of rice bran oil?
  • The processing technologies of rice bran oil include degumming, deacidification, dewaxing, etc.. These technologies help refine the oil and maintain its bioactive compounds.
  • Can you use rice bran for food?
  • A major problem of using RBO for food purposes is the time lag between bran production and oil extraction. Oil should be extracted immediately as soon as the bran is produced. Otherwise, oil will be hydrolyzed into free fatty acids (FFAs) and glycerol by the action of very active lipase enzymes present in rice bran.
  • What are the refining processes of rice bran oil?
  • The refining technology of rice bran oil includes degumming, deacidification, dewaxing, etc. as well as the technologies to remaining the bioactive compounds in rice bran oil.