different capacity palm oil sterilizer in malawi

  • How to reduce water consumption in oil palm sterilization process?
  • This work's objective was to reduce the water consumption in the oil palm sterilization process by minimizing sterilization equipment and combining a boiler and a sterilizer into one unit. Palm FFB were sterilized using direct steaming in a mini sterilizer.
  • Which sterilization method is used in palm oil mill?
  • Sterilization is one of the keys processed in palm oil mill. Some new sterilization methods has been developed and modified, and the two most common methods that is used are continuous sterilizer and vertical sterilizer. There was no work reported before on comparison of performance between this two sterilizer.
  • What are the different types of sterilizers used in palm oil pressing mill?
  • ¡¿ In large scale palm oil pressing mill, there are mainly three types of applicable sterilizers: vertical sterilizer, horizontal sterilizer and inclined sterilizer. Among them, the most frequently used are vertical sterilizer and horizontal sterilizer. So here we will mainly introduce the differences of these two kinds of sterilizers.
  • What is sterilization of oil palm fruit?
  • Introduction Sterilization of oil palm fruit is the process eliminating lipase activities in palm oil production. It is normally carried out in batch mode using pressurized steam of 3 kg/cm2 with a temperature of 140 °C . The oil palm fruits are fed into several sterilizer cages prior to sterilization and continuously extracting the palm oil.
  • How to choose a sterilizer for palm oil extraction?
  • With the growing demand for energy efficiency at palm oil mills, the selection of sterilizer is based mainly on its relevance to steam and power consumption because this will influence the overall energy efficiency of the palm oil extraction process.
  • Can oil palm fruit be sterilized by microwave irradiation?
  • Oil palm fruit sterilization by microwave irradiation can deactivate the lipase enzyme in 8.3-16.9 min at a temperature of 71.5-83 °C . Batch microwave sterilization has been developed, but for this sterilization method to be applied in industry, it is necessary to develop a sterilizer that can carry out this process continuously.