3 ton per day rice bran oil refining equipment in bangladesh

  • Will Rice bran be used for biodiesel production in Bangladesh?
  • If rice bran is selected for biodiesel production in Bangladesh to reduce load on diesel, it will not only strength the economic backbone of Bangladesh but also help to ensure a green environment. Bangladesh is not an oil producer country; a large amount of the budget has to invest to import diesel fuel effecting the economic growth of the country.
  • What is rice bran oil?
  • Rice bran contains up to 25% of rice bran oil (RBO), depending on the rice variety, milling process, and stabilization system. RBO is produced and consumed in great quantities in Asian countries, such as India, Japan, China, Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, and Indonesia.
  • Can rice bran be treated with enzymes?
  • Treating rice bran with enzymes is a new oil processing technology. The cell tissue of rice bran is hydrolyzed with protease and then oil is released to achieve the purpose of oil extraction (Hanmoungjai et al. 2001).
  • Can you use rice bran for food?
  • A major problem of using RBO for food purposes is the time lag between bran production and oil extraction. Oil should be extracted immediately as soon as the bran is produced. Otherwise, oil will be hydrolyzed into free fatty acids (FFAs) and glycerol by the action of very active lipase enzymes present in rice bran.
  • What are the technologies of rice bran oil?
  • The processing technologies of rice bran oil include degumming, deacidification, dewaxing, etc.. These technologies help refine the oil and maintain its bioactive compounds.
  • How is rice bran oil processed?
  • Rice bran oil undergoes several refining processes to meet the standards of edible oil. These processes include degumming, decolorizing, and deodorizing. Briefly, degumming removes gums and phospholipids, decolorizing removes color pigments, and deodorizing removes unwanted odors and flavors.